About JCI Nepal

JCI Senator Dr Bhesh Bahadur Thapa is a foreign affairs expert and diplomat. He is former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal. He was founder president of JCI Nepal on 1965. He was fourth Governor of Nepal Rastra Bank from 14 August, 1966 to 26 July, 1967.He was Minister of Finance between 1976 and 1978 A.D after serving as State Minister of Finance and Secretary of Finance Ministry. He has twice served as Ambassador to USA (1980–1985 & 1996). He has served as former Nepalese ambassador to India from 1997 to 2003. He also headed the National Advisory Committee for 18th SAARC summit that was held at Kathmandu on November 2014.Currently, he is working as EPG (Eminent Persons Group) coordinator representing Nepal on reviewing bilateral treaties between India and Nepal.

Personal life:

He is married to Dr. Rita Thapa, a public health specialist. He has a son and two daughters. His son Bhaskar Thapa a tunnel engineer was a lead designer of the Caldecott Tunnel Fourth Bore.His elder daughter Tejshree Thapa resides in Belgium. He has two grandson Barun and Siddhanta through daughter-in-law Sumira. His youngest daughter Manjushree Thapa is an English language author.

In Summary:

Established:                   1964 Sep 17 AD
Founder President:         Sen Dr Vhekh Bahadur Thapa
Mother Chapter:             JCI Gorakhpur, India
Validated from JCI:         1970 AD
(25th World Congress, Dublin City)

Mailing Address of JCI Nepal
JCI Nepal Bhawan
P.O. Box 1355, Kathmandu
Phone 01-4242311, 4230765
Fax 01-4267848
Email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Website:  www.jcinepal.org.np

Areas Structure of JCI Nepal

Area A: (Biratnagar-Bhadrapur-East Nepal)

JCI Arjundhara

JCI Bhradashi

JCI Bahundangi

JCI Belbari

JCI Bhadrapur

JCI Biratnagar

JCI Birata

JCI Birta Lady

JCI Budhabare

JCI Chakraghatti

JCI Charali

JCI Damak

JCI Dhankuta City

JCI Dharan

JCI Dhulabari

JCI Duhabi

JCI Dhankuta Lady (P)

JCI Gauradaha

JCI Gachhiya

JCI Golbazar

JCI Inaruwa

JCI Indrapur

JCI Itahari

JCI Itahari Lady

JCI Janakpur

JCI Jhumka

JCI Kachankawal

JCI Kamalnagar

JCI Lahan City

JCI Letang

JCI Malangwa

JCI Mechinagar Lady

JCI Pathari

JCI Rajbiraj

JCI Ramailo (P)

JCI Ratuwamani

JCI Satashidham

JCI Surunga

JCI Suryodaya

JCI Tankisinwari

JCI Tarahara

JCI Udayapur

JCI Urlabari

Area B :  (Baglung-Walling-Birgunj)

JCI Baglung

JCI Bakaiya

JCI Basamadi

JCI Bastipur

JCI Bhanu Bandipur

JCI Bheerkot

JCI Birgunj

JCI Bishazar

JCI Chainpur

JCI Chandranighahpur City

JCI Devghatdham

JCI Galyang

JCI Geetanagar

JCI Gorkha

JCI Harion City

JCI Hetauda

JCI Hetauda Lady

JCI Kalaiya City

JCI Kalika

JCI Lalbandi

JCI Lamjung

JCI Lekhnath

JCI Madi

JCI Myagdi

JCI Narayangarh

JCI Narayangarh Lady

JCI Nijgadh

JCI Palung

JCI Parbat

JCI Parsa Khairahani

JCI Pokhara

JCI Pokhara Lady

JCI Rapti

JCI Ratnanagar

JCI Sauraha

JCI Sauraha Lady

JCI Sharadanagar

JCI Shukla Gandaki

JCI Simara

JCI Vyasnagar

JCI Walling

Area C : (Thankot-Kathmandu-Kavre-Champapur)

JCI Balaju

JCI Balkot

JCI Bethanchowk

JCI Bhaktapur

JCI Bhaktapur Lady

JCI Bhakundebesi

JCI Budhanilkantha

JCI Champapur

JCI Changunarayan

JCI Dhading

JCI Dhapasi

JCI Dhulikhel

JCI Dolakha

JCI Godawari

JCI Imadol

JCI Kapan

JCI Kathmandu

JCI Kathmandu Lady

JCI Kavre

JCI Kavre Lady

JCI Kirtipur

JCI Lubhu

JCI Manohara

JCI Naldum Nagarkot

JCI Nuwakot

JCI Panauti

JCI Panchkhal

JCI Patan

JCI Patan Lady

JCI Rameshap

JCI Sankhu

JCI Sindhupalchowk

JCI Sitapaila

JCI Sundarimai

JCI Thankot

JCI Thimi


Area D : (Ramgram-Butwal-West Nepal)

JCI Attariya

JCI Baijanath

JCI Bardaghat

JCI Bardiya

JCI Bauniya

JCI Bhalwari

JCI Bheriganga

JCI Birendranagar

JCI Buddhabhumi

JCI Bulingtar

JCI Butwal

JCI Butwal Lady

JCI Dadeldhura

JCI Dailekh

JCI Dang Lady

JCI Devchuli

JCI Devdaha

JCI Dhangadhi

JCI Dhangadhi Lady

JCI Doti

JCI Fulbari

JCI Gaidakot

JCI Janaki

JCI Joshipur

JCI Kanchan

JCI Kapilbastu

JCI Karnali

JCI Kohalpur

JCI Lamahi

JCI Lamki

JCI Lamki Lady

JCI Mahendranagar

JCI Narayanpur

JCI Nawalpur

JCI Nepalgunj

JCI Palpa

JCI Rajahar

JCI Ramgram

JCI Ramgram Lady

JCI Ramnagar

JCI Sainamaina

JCI Salyan

JCI Shivraj

JCI Siddhartha

JCI Siddhartha Lady

JCI Suddhodhan

JCI Sunwal

JCI Surkhet Lady

JCI Tikapur

JCI Tilottama

JCI Tinau

JCI Tribhuwannagar

JCI Tulsipurnagar

LOM Membership:
Local Organization whose objects and activities are in accordance with the purpose of the organization and which is formally affiliated to the organization shall be Local Organization Member (hereinafter known as LOM or Chapter).

  1. Affiliation as a LOM shall be granted by the Board of Directors of Nepal Jaycees after thorough deliberations and scrutiny during the first half of the each year. Any other application for affiliation received after the third BOD meeting will be deferred till the next year.
  2. LOMs shall maintain age limits of not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years for its individual members.
  3. LOMs must have at least twenty-five (25) individual members each and at least ten 50% (fifty percent) members must be locally resident at the time of affiliation.
  4. Application for affiliation must be represented by one of their members at the stipulated meeting convened by the Board of Directors of Nepal Jaycees.
Special Requirement:

Application for Local Organization Membership must be sent to the Office of Organization during the first half of the year with the following details:

  1. Name and Address.
  2. Statement of purpose of application.
  3. Names, date of birth and addresses of the officers and Directors of the applicant.
  4. Name of individual members and their address.
  5. A copy of rules and regulations by which the applicant conducts its affairs and subsequently with a copy of its constitution.
  6. Description of current activities and plans for future works.
  7. A statement signed by the President of another LOM of the Organization accepting responsibility for special assistance (including at least two visits per year) until such time that National Board of Directors and assisting LOM are satisfied that such assistance is no longer needed.
  8. The applicable dues for all individual members of the applicant.
Procedure for Affiliation:

  1. The applicant shall submit a formal application to Secretary General providing all the information required by Article 4.2 and 4.3.
  2. All the materials provided therein shall be, upon receipt, scrutinized by Secretary General and certified by the General Legal Counsel.
  3. The application with the GLC’s comments shall be put up at the Board of Director’s meeting with appropriate comments and a Vice President assigned by the President will visit and assess the feasibility and seriousness of the proposed LOM.
  4. Following the visit and survey of the proposed LOM, the Vice President will submit its written report at the Board of Director’s meeting certifying the viability of the LOM certifying that it meets all requirements.
Nepal Jaycees has the exclusive right to assign and allot territories within Nepal to Chapters. In all aspects, concerning the membership including disputes of LOM sponsorship, the territorial limits and Name of the LOM, the decision of National Board of Directors of Nepal Jaycees shall be final.
The application for affiliation which meets the requirements shall be approved by the Board of Director of the Organization and then ratified by two-third majority vote of the General Assembly at the National Convention subject to, that in the year the LOM has been granted affiliation, it would remain, without any right to vote, as a potential LOM and the next year it will remain as a provisional LOM till the annual General Meeting. After fulfilling the  sections of this article the full fledge membership will be granted by the General Assembly.Section 1    Should have attended NOM/LOM Officer’s Training.
Section 2    Should have attended respective Area Conference.
Section 3    Should have attended Councilor’s Academy, if organized by NOM.
Section 4    Should have sent progress report to Nepal Jaycees on time.
Section 5    Should have attended the National Convention.
Section 6    Should have conducted LOM officer’s training in chapter certified by regional Training Institute
Termination of Membership:
When a LOM fails to maintain the minimum membership or when a LOM fails to maintain order, and discipline as per the purpose and principles of the Organization, subject to approval by 2/3 majority of the General Assembly or when a LOM makes an application for the termination of the membership it will cease to be a member of the Organization unless the Board of Directors decide to give one more chance to amend the short-comings.
When a LOM fails to pay its dues for 2 (two) consecutive years its membership will be automatically terminated.
Bidding of National Convention:
SECTION – 1:  As provided in Article 7.1 the site of each National Convention shall be determined at the Convention two years prior to such Convention.
SECTION  –  2:  All bids for hosting of a next National Convention shall be lodged in writing on the prescribed form and shall be received by the Secretary General by September 15.
SECTION – 3: Bids shall contain such information commitments and assurances as the Board of Director required.
SECTION – 4:  Each bid shall be accompanied by a total fee of Rs. 5000/00 (Five Thousand). If the bid is not accepted by the General Assembly, this fee will be returned to the bidding Chapter forthwith.
SECTION  –  5:  Each bidding Chapter shall be represented at the BOD Meeting which takes place immediately prior to the National Convention at which the bid is to be made and shall answer such questions as the Board shall ask them.
SECTION  –  6:  Only bids which shall be certified by the Board of Directors as eligible for balloting at the final selection of the site shall be included in such ballots.
SECTION –  7:  Upon the acceptance of a bid to host a National Convention by the General Assembly, the bid presentation and all supporting materials shall be incorporated into and become part of the National Convention contract.
Contract for National Convention:

The Secretary General shall execute a contract with the successful bidder for a National Convention. Such contract shall be approved by General Legal Counsel appertaining mutual responsibilities and obligations to the parties as established by the Board of Directors. The contract shall contain provisions and objectives in the best interest of the Organization.

National Area Conference:
The LOMs of Nepal Jaycees have been divided into four (4) different areas
A maximum of four (4) conferences, with one (1) in each Area, shall be held every year for the following purposes:

  1. To promote the purposes of NOM and fulfill the purposes of the organization.
  2. To conduct seminars, workshops, and group discussion which have specific objectives to meet the needs of individual members at all LOM levels.
  3. To educate delegates in the aims, objectives, and activities of Nepal Jaycees.
  4. To consider plans for future activities and submit them to the Board of Directors.
  5. To afford the opportunity for exchange of ideas and thoughts among the Individual Members.
  6. To adopt and Area program, if appropriate.
  7. To review the development of participating LOMs, and to discuss procedures and techniques designed to develop and strengthen the organization.
  8. LOM Officer’s Training.
All Area Conferences be held before and by September 30 of the year.

JCI Nepal Area Conference:

  1. The bid for the Conference will be accompanied with Nrs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand).
  2. The minimum membership dues of the bidding LOM for the ensuing year, as per Nepal Jaycees Constitution, should have been received by Nepal Jaycees.

The Secretary General will enter into a contract with the successful bidder.


  1. The application for JCI Senator ship shall be approved by the President, the President of the Chapter of which the applicant is a member of submission to the President of JCI. Unless the President of Chapter requests immediate consideration by the President in cases of urgency, and the President concurs with such request, all applications received by the President shall be brought by him to the next meeting of the Board of Directors and shall be considered by the Board of Directors who shall advise the President on the application. JCI Senator ship qualification shall be adopted by the NOM and shall be circulated to the Chapters who demand for it.
  2. The National President shall be awarded the JCI Senatorship.
Senate Council Chairman:
The Chairman of the Senate Council shall be appointed by the National President subject to the approval of the General Assembly at the first session of the General Assembly. The appointed Senator should have retired as an active member of Nepal Jaycees.
Prospective Senators:
A JCI Senator ship is awarded to honor current or past individual members who have rendered outstanding services to the Jaycees Organization.
Status of Senators:

The NOM encourages each chapter to include a self operative provision in their constitution that upon the awarding of Senator ship to any member, past or current, the said member shall also be a life member of his chapter. The question of whether or not Senator shall be liable for the present of dues to their chapters is a matter wholly for local policy legislation.

Presentation of Senatorship:

The NOM urges each chapter to conduct presentation of Senator ship with appropriate dignity preferably with a formal presentation ceremony in front of dignitaries of the community.

The Senate Council must seek approval from the Nepal Jaycees BOD for any programs contracts, and/or projects that they wish to enter into or conduct, and any such senate programs, contracts and/or projects must not in any way conflict with or be contrary to the programs, contract and/or projects of the NOM.
The Senate Council are subject to the by laws, policies and regulation of the NOM.
The Senate Council shall form an Executive Board of not more than five (5) persons, including the Chairman and one member from each NOM area nominated by the National President.
Dues Administration:
SECTION  –  1  Membership Declaration:  Each LOM shall submit to the Secretary General each year a declaration of its membership as at January 31, and shall submit further declarations of additional members as at April 15, July 15 and August 15. Each membership declaration shall be certified by the LOM President and the Treasurer and shall be received by the Secretary General within thirty (30) days of the declaration date.
SECTION  –  2  Billing of LOMs:  The Secretary General, no later than March 15 of each year, send an invoice to each LOM for the amount of dues payable on the number of members declared. If additional declarations are made by any LOM, the Secretary General shall within fifteen (15) days of receiving such additional declaration, send an invoice to such LOM for the amount of dues payable for the additional members declared.
SECTION  –  3  Objection to Billing:  If any LOM disagrees with any invoice received for dues payable on members declared, it shall lodge a formal written objection with the Secretary General. If no such objection is received by the Secretary General within forty-five (45) days of sending an invoice, the LOM will be responsible for payment of the amount of the dues as invoiced. If an objection is received by the Secretary General, he shall negotiate with the current amount payable for dues. If the Secretary General and the LOM shall not reach an agreement, a dispute shall be referred to the Executive Committee for resolution.
SECTION  –  4  Payment of Dues:  Except when a formal objection is lodged each LOM shall pay its dues of at least twenty five (25) members within 31st January of the year to the organization along with their first membership declaration. If the dues of minimum membership is not paid within 31st January, all the services including NOM and JCI Officers visit, JCI Leader and NOM Bulletin except NOM’s circulars shall be withheld from such LOM.
SECTION  –  5  Last Date of Payment of Dues:  The LOMs must pay their membership dues as per the final declarations within October 15 (fifteen) to the organization failing which their right to exercise votes in the General Assembly shall be ceased and shall not be allowed to file nominations for elective officer as mentioned in Policy 2.4. SECTION  –  6  Failure to submit Declaration:  If any LOM shall fail to submit a declaration of its members as at January 31, as provided in Section 1, the Secretary General shall send an invoice to such LOM as provided in Section 2, for the amount of dues payable on the number of members last declared by the LOM prior to billing, and the LOM will be responsible for payment of the amount of dues as invoiced. SECTION  –  7  Resumption of Services : Services from the Secretariat shall be resumed as soon as full payment of such dues is paid. SECTION –  8  Audit:  All LOMs of Nepal Jaycees shall present their statement of A/c or audited report as per the calendar year of NOM approved by the General Assembly of the LOM and duly certified by the LOM President and Treasurer or Secretary General to Nepal Jaycees latest before the convening of the General Assembly of Nepal Jaycees at its National Convention. Failing which the LOM shall forfeit its total voting right for the election of National Officers at the National Convention.
The BOD of mother LOM shall give approval to the Junior Jaycees in its area which shall be ratified by AGM of that LOM and shall inform Nepal Jaycees of its formation.
The Junior Jaycees shall maintain an age of not less than 12 years and not more than 18 years for its individual members.
The mother LOM shall ensure that there be at least 15 (fifteen) members for its formation.
All the services regarding Junior Jaycees shall be provided by the mother LOM.

Board of Trustees:

  1. All Past National Presidents shall be the members of Board of Trustees and members will decide among them the Chairman of the Board for three years. The Chairman shall form Working Committee. The quorum of Working Committee will be simple majority. The Working Committee shall exercise the power of BOT.
  2. The Board of Trustees shall advise on managing overall financial and property plan of the NOM.
  3. If deemed necessary the Board of Trustees is empowered to control the financial and property matter of NOM.
  4. The Board of Trustees shall advise on strengthening the NOM financial and property matters.
  5. The BOT to be effective in its operation, it will have the National President as Ex-officio Member to coordinate with NOM BOD and Secretariat and present report on NOM financial and property status and other issues for necessary guidance.
  6. IPP will be permanent invitee.
  7. BOT meeting will be scheduled by National president in consultation with the Chairman and present report of property status and other financially related issues. The BOT would meet as and when required but not less than twice a year.
  8. The quorum of the full house of BOT will be presence of 30% (thirty percent) members of the Board of Trustees.
  9. The BOT will present its annual written report to the Annual General Assembly through the National President.

The BOT will be governed by the BOT Charter.


The organization, in affirming its declaration of principles, which is based on the ideals expressed in its creed, recognizes universal declaration of human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is commended to LOMs as an example of the promotion of universal respect for, and observance of, human rights, freedom and equality.


The Organization in affirming its Declaration of Principles of Junior Chamber International recognizes and supports the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and recommends that LOMs conduct permanent and continuing programs which assist with providing for one or more of the basic needs of children as set out in the Declaration.

THE RIGHT to affection, love and understanding.
THE RIGHT to adequate nutrition and medical care.
THE RIGHT to free education.
THE RIGHT to full opportunity for play and recreation.
THE RIGHT to a name and nationality.
THE RIGHT to special care, if handicapped.
THE RIGHT to be among the first to receive relief in times of disaster.
THE RIGHT to learn to be a useful member of society and to develop individual abilities.
THE RIGHT to be brought up in a spirit of peace and universal brotherhood.
THE RIGHT to enjoy these rights regardless of race, colour, sex religion, national or social origin.

In any vote by the General Assembly except for election of officers all LOMs whose current dues are paid shall have a total number of votes based on the sum of their maximum entitlements under the following schedules:

The National Councilors will exercise this vote.

SCHEDULE 1: All the current LOM Officers for the purposes of assessment of voting entitlements under this schedule restriction on number of LOM Officers.

  • If a LOM has 26 members or less than 26 members it shall have less than fifty (50) percent of the LOM Officers in relation to the total number of members of the LOM.
  • If a LOM has 27 members to 50 members – it shall not have more than thirteen (13) LOM Officers.
  • If a LOM has more than fifty (50) members – it shall not have more than fifteen (15) LOM Officers.

The above elected officers have voting rights at the electing of National Officers.
SCHEDULE 2: Based on individual membership.

  1. One (1) vote if it has twenty five (25) individual members.
  2. Two (2) votes if it has from twenty six (26) to thirty (30) individual members.
  3. Three (3) votes if it has from thirty one (31) to forty (40) individual members.
  4. Four (4) votes if it has from forty one (41) to fifty (50) individual members.
  5. Five (5) votes if it has from fifty one (51) to sixty (60) individual members.
  6. Six (6) votes if it has from sixty one (61) to seventy (70) individual members.
  7. Seven (7) votes if it has from seventy one (71) to eighty (80) individual members.
  8. Eight (8) votes if it has from eighty one (81) to ninety (90) individual members.
  9. Nine (9) votes if it has from ninety one (91) to a hundred (100) individual members.

For each additional twenty five individual members after a hundred (100) members, the LOM has one (1) additional vote.
Dues & Voting:

The right to vote at the General Assembly of the Organization shall be conditional upon dues of minimum twenty five (25) members having been paid in full by September 30 by the LOMs. Moreover, prior to exercising a vote at General Assembly, the LOMs are required to submit a duly signed and authorized declaration about their current paid membership, mandatory including the names of each individual members to the National Secretary General at least by 15th October. The NOM Secretary General Must circular such name lists to all the LOMs by 30th November.

BOD Structure of JCI Nepal:

The BOD comprises elected President-1, Immediate Past President-1, Executive Vice Presidents-4, and Vice Presidents-12. The newly elected President nominates General Secretary-1, General Legal Counsel-1 and Treasurer-1.

Elected Officers:
The elected officers of the Organization shall be:

  •   President
  •   Four Executive Vice Presidents of equal rank
  •   Twelve Vice Presidents of equal rank
Appointed Officers:
The appointed officers of the Organization shall be:

  • General Legal Counsel
  • Secretary General
  • Treasurer

The above officers shall be appointed by the President elect subject to the approval of the General Assembly.

Immediate Past President:
In addition to the elected officers and appointed officers, the Immediate Past President shall be an officer of the Organization.
Board of Directors -2024:

JCI Sen Rabin Pokhrel–National President

JCI Sen Bikash Manandhar – Immediate Past National President

Jc Naresh Chandra Ojha -General Legal Counsel

Jc Saroj Adhikari–Secretary General

Jc Khem Raj Thapa– Treasurer

Area Assign of BOD 2024: